A Message from the Board

March 23, 2017

Are We Making a Difference? 
If so, for Whom?

Your Board of Trustees is eager to get feedback from you about our community here at USNH and your feelings about our life together.

We will be holding gatherings at lots of different times and settings.  If you are part of a small group like Tuesday Conversations, YRUU, etc., we will be setting up a time to come and meet with you.  The groups work best if there are up to 12 people.  More than that gets a little unwieldy.  If we are not contacting you, please contact us to set up a time to get together. SGM groups are welcome, but we understand if this would break the tone of the groups, and therefore not work well.

Also on Sundays:  April 2nd, 9th, and 23rd we will be holding listening gatherings after services at 12 noon for those we have not met with in the small groups.  The gatherings should last about an hour or so depending on the number of folks who come.  Childcare will be provided for those sessions.

SIGN up sheets will be available in the Social Hall after the service each Sunday.

PLEASE SIGN UP FOR ONE OF THE APRIL SUNDAY GATHERINGS if you have not participated in another group.  We are really eager to hear from you.  And do let us know if you would like to have childcare available.

2016 – 2017 Board Members:

Name E-mail
Daniel Gelperin, President dangelperin@gmail.com
Peggy Myers, Vice President peggyat118@gmail.com
Kathy Garner, Treasurer kgarnerhome@gmail.com
Pamela Miller, Secretary pamela.miller@yale.edu
Bobbi Pace bobbipace47@aol.com
Bernice Marie-Daly bmdawakenings@sbcglobal.net
Russell Heinrich russell.heinrich@gmail.com
Pat Trotta ptrotta@gmail.com
Rev. Megan Lloyd Joiner, ex-officio rev.megan@usnh.org
Holly Hawkins, Past President  hk.hawkins@snet.net


Click here for current years board minutes

Click here for past years board minutes


Management Team


Under Policy Governance, the Board of Trustees delegates the authority to run the day to day operations of our congregation to the Management Team.  This includes everything from ensuring we treat one another with respect to making sure our facilities are safe and in good repair.  It also includes financial planning and budgeting, communications, and myriad other responsibilities. Our highly competent staff and our good committees make it possible for the Management Team to continually make progress toward those ends.

The Board of Trustees develops the policies that guide the work of the Management Team.  Policies are then approved by the congregation.  The Board evaluates the performance of the Management Team through its organizational accomplishments of Board-stated Ends.  A copy of the Governance Policy Book, which includes our current Ends Statements, can be found under the Leadership tab.

Management Team members are appointed by the Board of Trustees to serve a minimum two-year  term.
Current members, pictured above, are David Stagg, Gwen Heuss-Severance, Georgia Jennings and Rev. Megan Lloyd Joiner.