The Membership Team welcomes our new visitors and paves a way to full membership.

Are you a welcoming person who enjoys meeting new people? Are you looking for a way to become involved at USNH? Do you enjoy photography or writing? BBQs? Pot luck meals? If any, or all, of these appeal to you, then we have a place for you on our Membership Team.
  • Help at the Welcome Corner for 30 minutes. You will support other team members.
  • Join a first Sunday Welcome Chat with new visitors, and bring your own experience of USNH and Unitarian Universalism to the conversation
  • Bring a dish for our New to UU luncheons or new member breakfast.
  • Enjoy a summer BBQ.
  • Take photographs and/or write short biographies to introduce our newest members.
  • Make connections with new members as we help them find their place in USNH.
  • Meet monthly for 90 minutes to discuss, plan and promote our mission of welcoming new visitors and paving the way to membership.