Speaker: Rev. Stephen Kendrick

This Generous Life

Preachers rarely talk about money, and I’ve never actually understood why. One poll of the “unchurched” revealed that they left church because ministers did not talk about things that mattered to everyday life, and the top two listed were…money and sex. This week, we’ll look at the former, and see how generosity is one of … Continue reading This Generous Life

Multi-generational Water Ceremony and Ingathering – Transitions

“A River in the Desert” We welcome Rev. Stephen Kendrick and ministerial intern Sunny McMillan who will challenge all ages to be like water and embrace transformation (even that which is beyond our control) as we flow on in Earth, sky, river and sea. All are invited to bring a small container of water from any place … Continue reading Multi-generational Water Ceremony and Ingathering – Transitions

Jumping On It

One of the central statements in our history is the phrase, “The moral arc of the universe is long, but it bends towards justice.” Well, is this true? And who first said it, and why? Led by Rev. Stephen Kendrick